Saturday, February 21, 2015

Reading Diary B: Words of Wisdom

This idea of an acquaintance or friend who, although seemingly candid, will try and use others is something that I’ve come across a few times. I can see the striking similarities between those I know and “wrong-mind” glaringly.  

From my experiences, it always seems like the “wrong-mind” character ends up with the short end of the stick – maybe there is some divine intervention going on.

I can completely to relate to the proverb given by right-mind in his defense of wrong-mind’s accusations.

Wrong-mind went to the length of even having his father give a false statement and they were both compensated fairly for their works! What could they have expected to happen?

I find the proverb in this section about no true “good” deed to be interesting. In some circumstances, it seems certainly true; however, I firmly believe that some deeds are done out of nothing more than benevolence.

I’m glad that they were able to resolve the issue with a sense of humor.

I enjoyed the moral of the story. It is quite true that people are quick to judge, and they often pay for it, too.

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